Article for November 2024
South Okanagan Similkameen Community Connections Volunteer Centre
Prepared by Laura Turnbull
Board Chairperson
Teenagers are active, involved volunteers. Information from Statistics Canada reveals
that over 50% of 15-to-24-year old’s in Canada volunteer at least two hours a week.
Whether giving time to the SPCA, Adopt a Road, a Care Facility, The Foundry, or one of
the Festivals, there is little doubt that a significant number of today’s youth are
committed volunteers.
Researcher Kristen Layous studied 400 students and found that preteens who
performed acts of kindness were happier than their peers. These happier teens
reported that their peers showed a greater interest in hanging out with them. Having
more friends are likely to reduce the chance of being bullied, suggests Layous in her
Teenagers who volunteer learn the value of civic participation. Many become life-long
volunteers. Some give of their time because of a friend being involved, due to school
requirements, to gain valuable experience, to enhance a resume, or for more altruistic
Today’s teenage volunteer brings many important gifts to the volunteer experience.
They are flexible and receptive to new ideas. They are the most technologically savvy
group of young people ever. Most can respond to innovative online communications
and recruitment techniques. They love peer camaraderie and enjoy participating with
their friends. Teens are energetic and enthusiastic and bring a high level of vitality to
the volunteer experience.
The South Okanagan Similkameen Volunteer Centre is committed to working
alongside youth to ensure the optimum volunteer experience. We know that today’s
youth are most interested in volunteer opportunities with sports organizations, causes
that have an international focus, programs that support environmental issues, and social
service organizations. If you are a teenager, please check out the Volunteer Centre for
help in finding the right volunteer experience for you. If you are looking for volunteers,
please consider recruiting teenagers. Subrina Monteith, the Executive Director would
like to meet with you. Call for an appointment at 1-888-576-5661.
info@volunteercentre.info or check out the website: http://www.volunteercentre.info.