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Welcome Volunteers

 Check out the current  opportunities! 

South Okanagan Similkameen Community Connections Volunteer Centre acknowledges that we work, live, and volunteer within the traditional, territory of the Syilx people in the Okanagan Nation for which we are guests on the lands.  

Volunteers build healthy connected communities!

Volunteering is a fun way to invest in your community!


 SOS Community Connections & Volunteer Centre is committed to building a vibrant community by connecting people through meaningful involvement.

To build a vibrant community by connecting people through meaningful involvement. Volunteerism is essential and we believe anyone can Volunteer!  We are here to help, support, educate and inspire!


Our purpose is YOU, our volunteers & members!
Together we create stronger communities. 


Get In Touch With Us!

Volunteer Opportunities Calander


What does a Volunteer Centre do?

The Volunteer Centre plays an essential role in the Community. We inspire and foster volunteer engagement by providing the means for organizations and potential volunteers to connect.

How can we support your organization?

The Volunteer Centre hosts events, programs, and fundraisers throughout the year.  By getting involved as a Volunteer in our programs, attending our fundraising events, or becoming a sponsor or donor,  you will be helping to make a more vibrant community through supporting volunteerism.  

How do we help organizations?

We assist over 110  Non-profit Organizations by promoting their volunteer opportunities to our 1500+ Volunteer base. We help inspire and recruit new volunteers in our communities and help create opportunities to appreciate all our local Volunteers.  SOS Community Connections also shares training opportunities and brings organizations together to share resources. 

How much is the membership fee?

As of 2022, our membership fee is FREE!  It is our way to support all our local Non-profits, festivals, and partners who need Volunteers.

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110-1475 Fairview Road 

Penticton, BC V2A 7W5 



T: 1-888-576-5661  

T:   778-476-5661

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© 2023 by SOSCCVC

Business No: 819826652RR0001      Registered Non Profit Charitable Status

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